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A Path to Your Pet’s Health – Book Review of The Forever Dog

Niki Tudge, PPG President, reviews The Forever Dog – Surprising New Science to Help Your Canine Companion Live Younger, Healthier, and Longer by Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Shaw Becker. I consider Dr. Becker’s book “The Forever Dog” my go-to User’s Manual for optimizing my dog’s life and certainly as the framework to adding quality to her years. (Full disclosure – The Pet Professional Guild is included in this book as a Training and Behavior Resource).  The common sense and practical approach offered to optimizing the quality and longevity of… Continued

The Physical Effects of Harmful Training Devices

By Niki Tudge and Susan Nilson* In addition to the potential psychological effects of using training devices that cause pain or evoke fear, there is also the issue of possible physical damage to consider. We present here a variety of perspectives offered by veterinarians, canine research scientists, a professional dog trainer, and an engineer: Thyroid Gland “The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ just in front of the larynx and trachea, and the mandibular salivary glands are found on the side of the face just below the ears. Thus, they… Continued

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